The Avalon Academy is a full-time educational institution that operates from late August to June, with school days running from 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday. The school also offers a 6-week summer program during July and August, which follows a similar format but includes additional recreational activities. The Avalon Academy’s curriculum is focused on providing experiential learning opportunities, with an emphasis on interactive, individualized, and multi-sensory approaches to promote concept development and engagement. The school’s teaching team is committed to utilizing research-based curricula and incorporating highly motivating, individualized materials into the academic program. The Avalon Academy has maintained a vibrant reverse mainstreaming program with a variety of local schools for the past decade. Additionally, the school places a strong emphasis on collective wellness, utilizing mindfulness practices and tools to support both students and staff. Students participate in daily mid-day chair yoga sessions to connect with their bodies and breath, while the staff also have the opportunity to engage in mindfulness and yoga practices to help regulate their nervous systems and respond to the demands of the school day. These wellness initiatives aim to foster an environment that promotes learning, exploration, community-building, and connection.